As entrepreneurs we are not going to hit it out of the park the first time.We may not meet with our definition of success the second time. But most importantly we have to remember that failure is part of the process.
Accept that passion does not equal success but is a segue greater things. And that with endurance, focus, and plain hard work you will meet your goals ten fold.
Entrepreneurs usually have (instant) success that was many, many years in the making.
In the case of breakout authors, inventors, founders, and everyone in between; they often spend years working on their craft or working on another craft that rolled into their current break through. There are no overnight successes. So if we can acknowledge this, then all our perceived challenges, hurdles, and failures will only be a stepping stone to something bigger.
Some failures will be small and some life changing. The entrepreneurial path is a marathon, not a sprint. Set a goal to do one thing that interests you every week, every quarter, every year and start there. Small goals are the stepping stones to greatness.
And if a goal can be woven into an industry you truly enjoy, there’s nothing lost in going for it.
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I wish someone had pulled me aside years ago and relayed a couple of messages.
Pay Yourself First
The Career Path is Not a Straight Line
Skills Create Opportunity
Failure is Part of the Process
Stability is Driven by Connections
Start Today